Alias in eaglefiler
Alias in eaglefiler

alias in eaglefiler

Since more and more of my documents are being offered online by almost every bank, utility and cell phone provider, I can download them directly, in electronic PDF format, with full text fidelity and no need to OCR them. Code: Select all tell application "Evernote" set note1 to create note from file theFile notebook container _folderRecord end tell end tell But my original post here is about something different. Dates are set to match the invoice or statement date so they sort properly in Evernote. See my Hazel file below for my bank statement: See the AppleScript for moving the file to Evernote below. I have no interest in file metadata.I key on the statement or invoice date. In the final step, Hazel does a date match on the statement or invoice date within the file. Some requiring OCR are sent to a folder where that is done using using PDFpenPro if account number redaction is necessary, the files is moved to a folder where that is accomplished again by PDFpenPro.all controlled by Hazel. Hi DaveB, I run a number of workflows monthly where I download credit card, bank, utility, and other statements which are automatically entered into Evernote. Cheers, -DaveB Any comments or suggestions? DaveB Posts: 25 Joined: Sat 7:56 pm Searching for: " How to rename a PDF file on a MAC based on metadata" Please help if you can. Did I miss something, is this already doable. But it would be much more elegant if Hazel could do this for me. I could accept an Automator rule that watches a folder (Downloads), and renames all PDFs with a prepended PDF Creation Date. So this preliminary download - file naming correction would be very helpful in keeping my files chronologically correct. My paperless Hazel workflow rules already change the file creation date to the date prepended in the file name, using a shell script. I want to set Hazel to monitor my Downloads folder and automatically rename every PDF with a prepended Creation Date, extracted from the pdf metadata. Especially as more and more banks and online agencies move towards downloaded documentation. I suspect this renaming capability based on PDF metadata is a feature that many would want.

alias in eaglefiler

But I was unable to create an Automator action that would rename my file because I'm unfamiliar with Automator and thus inadequate to that task. Then I found that Apple's Automator has a promissing PDF Action called "Get PDF Metadata". Here's an example: Code: Select all set theFiles to choose file with multiple selections allowed repeat with theFile in theFiles set filePath to quoted form of POSIX path of theFile set theName to do shell script "mdls -name kMDItemFSCreationDate " & filePath & " -raw" set theName to theName & ".pdf" if theName is not "(null)" then try tell application "System Events" to set name of theFile to theName end try end repeat But this code, as I say, does not equal the date in the PDF meta data. Instead, the Spotlight creation date seems to equal the download date. But the data do NOT reflect the date in the PDF file metadata. TASK: I want to read the creation date from within the PDF file, and rename the file in a format like: -Filename.pdf I discovered some nifty Applescripts and shell scripts that will rename a file based on Spotlight searched data. There it displays a metadata "Creation Date", that is the date when my bank issued the statement, not the date I downloaded the file. But my testing shows that the Spotlight Creation Date is NOT the same as the date inside the PDF file that shows when you show the Preview file inspector. Hazel seems unable to read PDF meta data, correct me if I'm wrong. What if I could simply download my statements, have them renamed based on the PDF metadata "Creation Date", and import them into EagleFiler? That would be cool and save paper too. My bank now offers a pretty cool download feature for all my documents. But now I want to cut out the US Mail and scanning with ScanSnap, and OCR and all that.

alias in eaglefiler

In my current paperless workflow, I manually prepend the statement date in front of the file name and let Hazel change the file creation date using a shell script, to the date in the file name, -filename.pdf. PROBLEM: I want to download my bank statements instead of waiting for the USPS delivery and then laboring though the process of scanning them and OCR'ing. Any ideas how to get that? This is an old thread but I'm resurrecting it because I've been all over the interwebs and can't find a workable solution to this problem. I already tried that but it also returns the wrong date: kMDItemContentCreationDate = 2017-01- 06 08:09:09 +0000 Creation date in PDF metadata seems to be a totally different thing. If you do "Get Info" in Finder, it should show almost all the info available.

alias in eaglefiler

Mr_Noodle wrote:You can check the content creation date.

Alias in eaglefiler