final int duration 10 // duration of sound final int sampleRate 22050 // Hz (maximum frequency is 7902.13Hz (B8)) final int numSamples duration sampleRate final double samples new doublenumSamples final short buffer new shortnumSamples for (int. Ogawa, H., Yamaguchi, S.: Evaluation of computing performance and measurement of power consumption on android devices. To play a sound of with a specific tone,we first have to create a sine wave sound.This is done in the following way. The results indicated that it is possible to execute an attack that intentionally increases the power consumption of Android devices and reduces the battery life. Reiwa 2nd year information and communication white paper (2020). As a result, we were able to reduce the usable time of the batteries of two Android devices to 3.1 h and 3.2 h, respectively. Use the Tone Generator below to listen to the 432Hz. Here at, we have provided you with the tools to make your own mind up. Skeptics will claim this is nothing more than pseudo-science. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Many people prefer the sound of 432Hz citing a calmer, more natural sound compared to its harsher relative, 440Hz. Nakamura, Y., Hayakawa, A., Koyanagi, A., Nakarai, A., Takemori, K., Oguchi, M., Yamaguchi, S.: A study on power consumption by launching applications on android os. In: 2014 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology, pp. final ToneGenerator tg new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAMNOTIFICATION, 100) tg.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONEPROPBEEP) You seem to be asking for an alternative to ToneGenerator, but I think it gives you exactly what you want in two lines.

Li, X., Zhang, X., Chen, K., Feng, S.: Measurement and analysis of energy consumption on android smartphones. In: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS ’15, pp. USENIX AssociationĬhen, X., Ding, N., Jindal, A., Hu, Y.C., Gupta, M., Vannithamby, R.: Smartphone energy drain in the wild: analysis and implications. In: Proceedings of the 2010 USENIX Conference on USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIXATC’10, p. Carroll, A., Heiser, G.: An analysis of power consumption in a smartphone.