Anime landscape wallpaper draw
Anime landscape wallpaper draw

anime landscape wallpaper draw

Select your single cloud, hold Alt, and then drag your cloud shape to duplicate. Make sure you have a white selected when drawing your cloud. This will invert your stroke color to your fill color and vice versa. Now, with the outlined cloud selected, press Shift + X. If you hold the Alt key when you reach the point you started drawing from, it will join the end point with the start point. Use the Paint Brush Tool again and sketch some a clouds. Also, make sure the mountains are behind the foreground hills and in front of the orange sky. Make the fill a dark green and change the Transparency to Multiply and the Opacity to 50%. To draw the mountains in the background use the Paint Brush Tool (B) and loosely sketch an abstract mountain range. Also, try applying a Hard light or Overlay Mode to your Outer Glow. You can add an additional outer glows to it as well if you want it to pop even more. Select the circle and then click Filter > Stylize > Outer Glow. Create a circle in the middle of the gradient that you created in the previous step. Violet and purple make for a great twilight. Use whatever type of lighting you desire. To create the sky place a rectangle behind the horizon and apply a nice radial gradient to it. Make sure you do this to each point along the row in the gradient mesh. I did this in each channel to give us black. For each row I darkened the K channel as follows: row 2 at 0%, row 3 at 25%, row 4 at 72%, row 5 at 88%, and row 6 at 100%. Now continue this step with each row going all the way down to row 6. Once you have selected all the points along row 1, open up your Color window (F6) and brighten up the color on these points. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A), hold shift, and select each point along the row 1. Row 1 is the horizon line and row 6 is the foreground. Use the Mesh Tool (U) to click on your landscape and create rows growing further apart as they reach the foreground. To create the foreground rolling hills use the Warp Tool (Shift + R) and, having the rectangle selected, click and drag to raise the horizon line. Make it a nice green or refraction from the sky color of your choice. Use the Rectangle Tool (M) and create your land. It is better to create wide screen artwork because you can always crop the sides off in 4:3 aspect ratio resolutions. Since you're creating this in vector, your artwork will be able to be resized to any resolution. I have a wide screen monitor and so I enjoy 1680 pixels by 1050 pixels. To begin your wallpaper, create a new document in Illustrator (Command + N). Of course, there are many alternative ways to draw anime eyes, so make sure to experiment and find your unique style.Want to spruce up your desktop and at the same time impress your friends? Why not create a vector landscape wallpaper? In this simple tutorial, you will learn how to create an eye-appealing wallpaper quickly and effectively. Finally, add eyelashes to the top and bottom lid. Make sure to leave the light reflections white.

anime landscape wallpaper draw

When you fill in the pupil, shade the top portion darker, creating a gradient as you move down through the shape. To create primary and secondary light reflections, add in one or two additional circles within the iris. Draw a smaller circle-the pupil-in the middle of the iris. Then, add a circle in the middle of the eye as the iris. Leave the inner corner of the eye open for a softer look. Start by sketching a curved upper eyelid, then draw a short line extending down from the outer corner of the eye. EyesĪnime characters are known for their eyes, so here’s how to draw anime girl eyes step by step for beginners. Now that you understand the general placement of the facial features, you can draw them in detail. The basic anatomy of an anime face starts with a circle with a vertical line and horizontal line directly through the center.

Anime landscape wallpaper draw