Feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade
Feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade

feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade

People of Medieval Europe used various forms of visual arts, dance, theater, myths, literature, and music to express their beliefs, sense of identity, and philosophical ideas. During the Middle Ages, between the ninth and fifteenth centuries, Feudalism was a social-political-economic structure followed by most of Western Europe. The Black Plague originated in Asia, spread through North Africa and Europe, and affected daily life in Medieval Europe.

feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade

baronmember of the nobility in a feudal society 4. Asia Minorwhat Turkey was called in the Middle Ages 3. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The development and spread of feudalism and manorialism affected the government, economy, and culture of Europe in the Middle Ages. apprenticeperson who learns a craft or trade from a master of that trade 2.

feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade

Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL STUDIES GRADE SIX – MIDDLE AGES"- Presentation transcript:īlack Plague Influence of the fall of Rome Europe Content Vocabulary: monarchy manorialism Medieval page fief squire Feudalism charge peasants manor lord knight serf vassal Pope Crusades Black Plague heraldry tapestry illumination History Geography Middle Ages Feudal economy Economics Life in castles Culture Government Feudalism Manorialism Role of the church Social pyramid Essential Understandings/Learning Goals: European society and culture were redefined during the Middle Ages.

Feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade