So it will mean a great saving in the electricity bill. The fans of the brand FARO consume less energy, compared to other air conditioning systems. In addition, you will get incredible comfort and well-being in your home, with significant energy savings. Some of the benefits they offer are: fantastic value for money and being able to get quality fans at affordable prices. Upon finishing an online order you will receive a confirmation email stating all your details as well as information again.The fans of the brandFARO Barcelona are one of the best on the market. If you are not ordering in the online shop, please just send us an email to case you are ordering in the online shop your order data is automatically transferred to us.

Generally orders are not taken on the telephone, but only in written form or via the online shop. Please note, that there are no packages despatched on Saturdays and Sundays. After a successful processing of your order you receive an automated despatch confirmation with a tracking code via email, allowing you are always in the picture about the recent whereabouts of your parcel. Thus, you are always informed about the recent state of your order. In case of delays in the delivery you will always receive an email with the recent information and currently known delivery dates. There you can collect the delivery within 5 working days. In case the goods are delivered when nobody is in attendance, the delivery will generally be deposited at a neighbour or at the post office. The delivery will be processed by national postal services or DPD once they leave German borders. The receipt of goods needs to be acknowledged for the delivery agent. The duration of transport takes about one to three days. Logistics hubs and parcel shops throughout Europe guarantee convenient, smooth transport of your parcels. GLS (if available): Sustainable, reliable transport of parcels is the utmost priority for the GLS Group. Fast deliveries with a selectable delivery date are just one of the many benefits customers cherish in over 200 countries. It would not be long until the successful company began to establish subsidiaries all over the world. UPS (if available): The US American courier was established in the first decade of the 20th century. As part of the French Le Groupe La Poste, DPD offers tens of thousands of parcel shops, deliverers as well as great transparency and a climate-neutral transport of the goods. Thanks to countless post offices and flexible delivery options the company can guarantee customer satisfaction.ĭPD (if available): The DPD Group counts amongst the top three parcel services in Europe. The company is not only active throughout Europe, but is working all over the world. Standard shipping: We will select the shipping method for your parcel.ĭHL (if available): Letters, parcels or pallets, our logistics partner DHL offers a solution for any shipment. A detailed list of freight charges is available further down this site. These are the shipping companies we will be using to dispatch your packages. Scroll below to see our overview of shipping costs to countries all over the world. EU orders below this value are shipped with 9,99€ shipping charge.

We offer free shipping on all orders over 500,00€ within the EU. The shipping costs depend on the method of delivery and will be clearly indicated to you before a binding purchase based on your personal choice. tAttribute("data-append-trailing-slash", "") tAttribute("data-client-token", "eyJicmFpbnRyZWUiOnsiYXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbkZpbmdlcnByaW50IjoiMWY4ZTllYTllY2Q0ODlmZTEzZTU1ZjlkZjQxYzNiMjgwZDg4ODk1MzliMDMxOWUwZDZlYmI4NGU0MDlhNzc0NHxtZXJjaGFudF9pZD1yd3dua3FnMnhnNTZobTJuJnB1YmxpY19rZXk9ajJmYzJqcHhkZzZ2cDg0ZiZjcmVhdGVkX2F0PTIwMjItMDktMDRUMTE6NTQ6MTEuMzYzWiIsInZlcnNpb24iOiIzLXBheXBhbCJ9LCJwYXlwYWwiOnsiaWRUb2tlbiI6bnVsbCwiYWNjZXNzVG9rZW4iOiJBMjFBQU9lM0NWLW50STNVZ3k0ejhxSGs3LXg0RUFzZU41MHBYbUhSSXhNQjEzdzBETFpMbFFycEhZR05qbFFtZ09WeFR5ei1sWVlUYmh0Vm5ldjlsU3pqcmVmZWdkNXhnIn19") tAttribute("data-client-id", "AZo元Ix0BpgeWCbr0zWOZfvOkWlifQY8U5H44vzL8NikVKb40WyEv6PKdoegnf-I3eekMNmi-7r7zNUN") Script.id = "paypal-smart-payment-script" Var script = document.createElement("script") If(!document.getElementById('paypal-smart-payment-script'))